Events & Gym Collaboration - Zumba Wear Europe

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Collaborate with Zumba Wear Europe

Join Our Zumba Event Partnership Program

Welcome to Zumba Wear Europe's Event Collaboration Page!

Who We Are:
As the official distributor of Zumba Wear in Europe, we are excited to offer a unique opportunity for Zumba event organizers across the continent to collaborate. Our goal is to support your events and enhance the Zumba experience for all attendees.

What We Offer:

  1. Event Promotion: When you collaborate with Zumba Wear Europe, your event will be featured on our website on our European Events page, in a later fase this year we will also be adding our event list into our Marketing e-mails gaining significant visibility among the Zumba community.

  2. Pop-Up Shop: If we have a Zumba Wear Pop-up shop available in your area, this will make your event a more full experience for your attendees. We like to dance, but to shop as well!

  3. Customized collaboration:  We would like to inform you more about other collaboration opportunities we have. 
    In order to provide you this type of collaboration, we like to understand more about your event. 

Please fill out our event-collaboration form here below.


Once we have received and revieuwed your event application,
we will send you a PDF presentation with more information about. 

Please fill out our event-collaboration form here below.



Join Us Today!
Let's make your next Zumba event unforgettable with Zumba Wear Europe.